
CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire) was founded in Paris in 1969 by Dr Carl Moser. It is an organization devoted to the promotion of fundamental research on advanced computational methods and to their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology. As the name suggests, the traditional focus of CECAM has been atomistic and molecular simulations, applied to the physics and chemistry of condensed matter. Over the last twenty years, powerful advances in computer hardware and software have supported the extension of these methods to a wide range of problems in materials science, biology and medicinal chemistry.
ENS de Lyon ENS de Lyon
The École Normale Supérieure de Lyon is an elite French public institution that trains professors, researchers, senior civil servants as well as business and political leaders. Students choose their courses and split their time between training and research in sciences and humanities. Founded in 1880, the ENS de Lyon also focuses on educational research. It is a symbol of French Republican meritocracy and it remains committed today to disseminating knowledge to the widest audience and to promoting equal opportunity. The ENS de Lyon is part of the Université de Lyon and supports quality research that has earned it a Fields medal (Cedric Villani, 2010) and many CNRS medals. It encourages interdisciplinary studies to foster a better understanding of complex contemporary issues.
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
La Faculté des Sciences et Technologies est une Unité de Formation et de Recherche (UFR) de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Elle regroupe la majorité des acteurs (enseignants-chercheurs, chercheurs, personnels administratifs et techniques) impliqués dans la formation et la recherche en Sciences et Technologies à l'Université.
Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique est un organisme public de recherche placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche. Principal organisme de recherche à caractère pluridisciplinaire en France, le CNRS mène des recherches dans l'ensemble des domaines scientifiques et technologiques, qu'il s'agisse des mathématiques, de la physique, des sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication, de la physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies, des sciences de la planète et de l'Univers, de la chimie, des sciences du vivant, des sciences humaines et sociales, des sciences de l'environnement ou des sciences de l'ingénierie.
L'objectif du GDR PHENIX est de susciter des collaborations entre deux communautés, celle de la physique statistique et celle de la physique non linéaire. Leur but commun est d'étudier les phénomènes hors d'équilibre, traditionnellement considérés comme une branche de la physique statistique, et qui a connu récemment un regain d'intérêt (vieillissement, dynamique d'interfaces, systèmes désordonnés, ...). Cependant, les phénomènes hors d'équilibre sont également largement considérés en physique non linéaire, où ils apparaissent au-delà de seuils d'instabilité (structures dissipatives en hydrodynamique ou optique non linéaire, problèmes de croissance, de fracture, ...).
For over a century, L'Oréal has built its development on the conviction that only strong research can create cosmetic products that are capable of generating real results. Its Research & Innovation model, unique in the cosmetics industry, is organised around three major entities: - Advanced Research: tasked with continuously enriching scientific knowledge about skin and hair around the world, and discovering new active ingredients. - Applied Research: which develops formulation systems, which are then played out in the different families of products. - Development: which provides the brands with innovative formulas adapted to their identity and to consumer expectations around the world.
Georgetown University Georgetown University
Few universities in the world offer the extraordinary range and diversity of research opportunities that Georgetown students and faculty enjoy. The university’s location in the nation’s capital provides unparalleled opportunities for learning at leading scientific centers and institutes as well as top policy think tanks.
Institute for Soft Matter, Synthesis and Metrology Institute for Soft Matter, Synthesis and Metrology
The emerging field of soft matter research deals with the study of materials that exist between rigid solids and flowing liquids. Familiar examples include foams, gels, adhesives, lubricants, and many biological materials, such as blood or tissue. Soft matter plays an increasingly important role in commercial applications and new technologies, but behaves fundamentally differently from traditional, relatively well understood solids and liquids. The goal of current soft matter research is to understand and control the molecular scale structure of soft matter in order to engineer new classes of materials. Georgetown’s Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology, or I(SM)2, launched in 2011 as the result of $6.9 Million construction grant from NIST, serves to catalyze the development of fundamental principles and practical measurement tools that can be applied to soft matter synthesis and precision measurement and characterization (metrology). The Institute comprises faculty primarily from the Departments of Physics and Chemistry, as well as Oncology in the Medical School.
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